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Eric Worre Training


Set appointments and show the plan


Text Example:

  1. "Free for coffee in the next few days?"

  1. "Coffee next week? What day is good for you?"

  2. "What does your schedule look like next week? I want to get together with you."


Sure, whats up?



  1. "I have an idea I'd like to show you"

  2. "I have a project I'm working on I'd like to share with you"

  3. "I have something that I think you would find interesting"


What is it?



           Well, it's tough to explain over text. Lots of numbers involved. Kind of like giving a haircut over the phone. It just doesn't work. lol What day is good to get together  OR  when can you be in front of your computer for 20 minutes?




If you get an objection. Back up and still have the meeting. Your business will still come up at some point.


Meet and share the Stream business presentation video.


Set a time with the prospect as to when they can be in front of their computer. You will direct them to your website to watch the business presentation video. You will stay on the phone and watch it with them. 


New associate... sent 10 texts asap. Send 90 more in the nest 30 days.



Gathering your first customers



Hi Mom…..How are you? (Make small talk)

Listen, the reason I am calling is because I need a favor. You know how Monica and I are always tight on money. We work long hours to pay the bills and we have nothing in our savings account.


Well, Monica and I just started a business that is going to help us to pay our bills and we would be honored if you would support us by becoming our customer.


We just need a few customers to get our energy business off and running. It’s free to switch plus you’ll be saving a little bit of money. Will you help us?

What do you do for a living?


Well during the day I work in my family's flooring business and it pays the bills. But, at night I am creating wealth with my part-time business.


Really, what is your business?


Well you know how everybody gets an electric bill?




Well you know how everybody gets a cell phone bill?




Well every month when they pay those bills I get a royalty check.


How in the world do you do that?


Well would it be okay if I showed you?




When can we get together?

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