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If you are trying to expand your business locally you should consider using a DROP CARD. This is similar to a flyer, but much smaller, about the size of a dollar bill. It is designed to pique people’s interest and get them to visit your website, send you an email, or call you. In other words, it helps you to generate leads for your business.

Once you print out your drop cards your goal is to distribute as many as possible. You can leave them in specific locations and hand them to people in person. At one time I myself even used these cards as my business card. It REALLY got their attention.

The more drop cards you can distribute the more leads you will get. Take massive action and drop these all over town.

A small amount of people will read your drop card and respond or visit your website. A normal response rate is 1-3%. A Hugh benefit is that these people are contacting you first so it makes it easier for you. 

You simple follow up with your leads to book appointments and share your business presentation or products with them. 

Your success with this method is consistency. Don't just distribute these drop cards once and stop. Drop them all over town every day.

Use a catchy headline.  Maybe, a few bullet points and a call to action. Think of your drop card as a classified ad.  

Don't mention your companies name or provide too much information. Keep it short and simple and generic. Less is better!

Teach your team members to do the same thing. What type of growth could you expert in your business if you had 10 - 100 people on your team handing out 100 drop cards per day? You would see a Hugh influx of new leads and new associates joining your team and your business would EXPLODE!



The template is made is a WORD document for easy editing.

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