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OBJECTIONS!!!!! We all get them. How do we deal with them? 


“I’m so busy, I don’t have enough time to do this!” 

“I understand how you feel. I felt the same way when I got started. I work in my families flooring business full time, and work this business very part time. But that’s not uncommon. We’ve found that most people work this business on very part time hours – working it into your everyday life on your own time! In just about 10-15 hours per week.” Tell stories of people who are working their business part time successfully! (*Remember: facts tell, stories sell in this business!)

What other questions do you have”?


I have to talk to my spouse (I get this one all the time)

I understand, I do NOT want you to talk to your spouse without me there. They will have questions that you will not be able to answer.

“Lets talk to them together. What is a good time for me to meet with you both? We can meet at your house or somewhere else.”


How much have you made?

I don’t often get this objection because it’s a bit rude to ask. It’s like asking how much you make at your job. But, when I do here is what I say. “Good question, To be honest I am still getting paid from my efforts when I started back in March 2012. That’s the beauty of our business. You do something once and keep getting paid month after month. What other questions do you have”?



Is your service is overpriced?

No, we compare your bill to the Stream rates and see how much we can save you each month. If we cannot save you anything then we would not ask you to be a customer.

Tell them a story of how you have helped a friend save money. “My SD, Tom has helped a factory in NJ save $5000 a year. He has also helped a laundry mat save $4800 a year. Many residential customers are saving as well. What other questions do you have”?



I don’t have the Money to get started

“I can appreciate that. Many people are in the same place because of the recent recession. Because money is tight, this is all the more reason to join us! What if I can teach you a simple way to make the money back with our bonuses, during your first month?” (*share your fast start bonuses…if they still cannot start, then share other ideas to save up to get started: such as having a garage sale, selling gold, auctioning household items on ebay, take out a loan, using a credit card and we show them how to pay that bill off in 30 days) What other questions do you have”?


I’m not a salesperson

“Terrific! I’m not looking for salespeople! I am not a salesperson either. I’m in the business of sharing—our incredible products and the possibility of becoming a turn key entrepreneur! I’m looking for passionate people that when they love something they’ll share. We’re looking for people who enjoy helping others. I can see you have your doubts but I want to reassure you if you decide to join us I will be training you! If I didn’t think you could do this, we wouldn’t be talking! What other questions do you have”?



I don’t know anybody

Again—stories are powerful! I would share with them your story. But through our profession and proven system, I was able to expand my network and not only meet new customers, and associates, but also new friends!

I’d say: “What I love about this business is that it’s not necessarily who you know, but people you’ll meet, and be referred to! Plus, this business is a great way to get to know people as well. We will teach you tools to help you reach out.” What other questions do you have”?


Don’t want to bug my friends or family

“Thank goodness! I don’t want you to bug your friends and family either! That is not what I do. I share what I’m doing & pick their brains to see if there’s anyone they know this would be great for.  I find what people have need of and then I try to fill that need whether it be with our services, or a need for extra income. I simply use a referral approach, asking them whom they know! Sometimes they identify themselves! We do that all the time—asking for referrals for babysitters, dry cleaners, etc!” What other questions do you have”?


Is this a pyramid?

Actually, since I started doing this business I’ve only heard this objection a few times because of my belief and posture—it’s so strong that it’s not questionable. So if you’re getting this a lot be sure to connect with one of your leaders about personal and professional development materials that can increase your belief in yourself, our opportunity, and the profession as a whole. If I got this objection I might say something funny like: “No. Why? Is that what you’re looking for? “ Or…

“What do you mean by Pyramid? Pyramids are illegal. With pyramids there is no exchange of goods or services. We have amazing services and a very loyal customer base who are elated with their results! Let’s get back to talking about if the business is a good fit for you—what other questions do you have?” I then move on quickly, so I don’t appear to be on the defense.

What other questions do you have”?




I failed at MLM before

Try to find out why they failed. Ask them questions.

I understand but let me ask you this?

Have people before you in that company made money?

Did they provide training information?

Did your sponsor help you?

Why made you fail?

“Our team gives you all the tools, training and motivation you could ever ask for to become successful. I just ask that you be train-able and coach-able. Is that fair?” What other questions do you have”?


I can’t sell

Thank goodness because we have nothing to sell. Most of our services like electric, gas and cell service everyone already has. We just help them save money each month on their existing bills. What other questions do you have”?


Let’s see how you do

“I understand…If your motivation is as high as mine then we will make a lot of money together. You cannot base your income off of what I do. You may not be willing to do what it takes to escape your job like I am. You can either watch me or join me but you can’t do both.” What other questions do you have”?



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